Mafaz Prosthetics Orthotics for amputees and physically-challenge people

Mafaz Medical Jordan

شركة مفاز & الأطراف الاصطناعية & والجبائر الأردن

1G6 Lightweight cosmetic foot

The 1G6 Pedilan Light Foot was designed especially for patients who are less active. The special features of the foot include its low weight, safe heel strike and a smooth, natural shape that includes a separately sculpted, abducted big toe. It is appropriate for all amputation levels in the treatment of geriatric patients.Requires 2R54=M8 Aluminum or 2R31=M8 Titanium  adapter

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Category : Mobility grade ( Foot )

Brand : OttoBock

Tags : ottobock,ampute,prosthetic feet