Mafaz Prosthetics Orthotics for amputees and physically-challenge people

Mafaz Medical Jordan

شركة مفاز & الأطراف الاصطناعية & والجبائر الأردن

758E1 Room disinfection unit

With the automatic room disinfection unit, you can eliminate pathogens in your store and provide a healthier environment for your customers and your team.

Despite thorough scrubbing and wiping disinfec-tion, 42% of surfaces in medical areas have very high levels of microbial contamination.*

This health risk, which affects you, your employ-ees and customers, can be efficiently eliminated with the touch of a button: the mobile room disinfection unit produces a fine disinfectant mist which reaches normally inaccessible areas. Disinfection is carried out automatically accord-ing to the settings you have defined – quickly, efficiently and safely – without leaving any toxic residues behind.